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Rider Ventures offers firefighting, flood management, forestry, worksite safety, and first-aid related training for Wildland and Structural Fire Fighters, Forestry workers, Industrial/Manufacturing workers and Military personnel. Our instructors are industry experts, certified and recognized by the Province of BC. We train large and small groups in-class and in-field. Our home base is Vernon and we travel throughout British Columbia to deliver custom group training.


We will work closely with you to assess and assemble a training package that meets your group's training needs. Packages can include but are not limited to our Course Catalogue. Choose a single course or multiple courses to create a day or weekender package, or a custom Boot Camp.


Our Wildland Fire Fighter Boot Camp is designed with input from experienced Wildland Fire Fighter professionals and instructed by qualified and recognized industry experts. In just 8 days students can earn 22 industry-related certificates suitable for both wildland fire fighting and supplemental forestry work. Students also learn valuable life skills including healthy eating, fitness, employability, and communal living.


We work hard to provide a professional, supportive and respectful Rider Ventures Training Experience. We take learning to the next level and provide immersive and hands-on experiences. We understand students may have learning challenges and we support them in a dignified manner. We keep our class sizes small to ensure quality training for each student.

We promote a higher standard of industry training for the safety of all fireline responders.

Craig Moore, The Founder of Rider Ventures

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Course Catalogue 

The following courses are instructed by trained professionals sometimes in-house or by our training partners. They are suitable for both wildland fire fighting work.


S-100 Basic Fire Suppression and Safety

S-185 Fire Entrapment Avoidance

S-212 Fireline Communications

S-213 Working Around Heavy Equipment on the Fireline

S-232 Portable Pumps and Water Delivery Systems

PSO-Power Saw Operator

OFA level 1-Occupational First Aid Level 1


The following courses are instructed by an experience Recognized Training Provider with the Province of BC. BCWS courses are instructed in-class and in-field. BCWS entry-level Type 2 and 3 mandated Wildland Fire Fighter training includes S-100 and S-185.


S-100 Basic Fire Suppression and Safety

S-100A Recertification

S-130 Fundamentals of Firefighting

S-185 Fire Entrapment Avoidance

S-185A Recertification

S-190 Fireline Safety

S-211 Weather and Fire Environment

S-212 Fireline Communications

S-213 Working Around Heavy Equipment on the Fireline

S-215 Fire Operations in Wildland/Urban Interface

S-230 Introduction to Supervision (Crew Boss)

S-232 Portable Pumps and Water Delivery Systems

S-235 Burning-off and Backfiring

S-241 Fire Assessment

S-270 Helicopter Use and Safety

S-271 Helipad Construction

S-282 Electrical Safety Awareness

ICS-100 Introduction to Incident Command System

ICS-200 Basic Incident Command System

ICS-300 Intermediate Incident Command System




The following courses are instructed by trained professionals sometimes in-house or by our training partners. They are suitable for both wildland fire fighting and supplemental forestry work.


RV-05 Operations and Safety in the Workplace

RV-10 Introduction to Danger Tree Awareness

RV-15 Tree/Plant Species Identification

RV-20 Wildlife Awareness

RV-25 GPS Coordinates/Mapping and Compass

RV-30 Backroads Driving Standards

RV-35 Fire Extinguisher Procedures and Use

RV-40 Tiger Dam Installment

RV-45 Sandbag Procedures and Safety

RV-50 Finance and Administration

RV-55 Supervisor Safety

RV-60 Investigating Incidents

RV-65 Harassment in the Workplace

RV-70 Leadership in the Workplace

RV-75 Pile and Slash Burning

RV-80 Winter Helicopter Use and Safety

BCO Boot Camp Orientation

WFX-FIT Practice Test




The following courses are instructed by certified professionals sometimes in-house or by our training partners.



OFA3 Occupational First Aid Level 3

PSO Power Saw Operator

PSOA Power Saw Operator Recertification

EMBC Emergency Management Training: The Core

WHMIS Workplace Hazardous Material Information System

TDG Transportation of Dangerous Goods

SSRA Swiftwater Safety Rescue Awareness

SSR1 Swiftwater Safety Rescue Level 1

ATV All-Terrain Vehicle Rider Training

UTV Utility Terrain Vehicle Side-by-Side Training

ISSO Industrial Safe Snowmobile Operator

AST1 Avalanche Skills Training Level 1

AST2 Avalanche Skills Training Level 2

CRS Companion Rescue Skills




The following are Rider Ventures packaged camps. Camps typically include a combination of relevant courses from our Course Catalogue, lodging and meals.


WFBC Wildland Fire Fighter Boot Camp

CLC Crew Leader Camp

ISC Industrial Snowmobile Camp

Training Testimonials

Nicole Johnny,
Citxw Nlaka'pamux Assembly
Group Training, May 2019

The training that they received has no comparison, even those whom have been wildland fire fighters for years said that their training and experience they previously had was no comparison to that of which you delivered. They all learned so much, and the fact that no one was left behind, and that your instructors and you adapted to each individuals learning needs did not go unnoticed, by anyone in attendance and on behalf of all my clients I thank you for that. By ensuring that each and every one of them were successful allowed them to be filled with pride. The food I hear was absolutely amazing, and just the atmosphere with the whole camp was beyond anything they could have imagined. The one comment that stuck with me made by one of my older clients that came to see me, was that in your training they were treated with such respect, that their dignity was tenfold by the time they left, they felt like they could walk around with their head held high, that their worth was just as important as everyone else around them. 

Melissa Moses, Student
WFF Boot Camp, May 2019

Rider Ventures Bootcamp was an incredible experience. The wealth of knowledge taught in the lessons and the extensive training in the field has exceeded my expectations leading into the program. This is evident in the level of confidence and proficiency each student leaves with. Don't hesitate to attend a Rider Ventures Bootcamp.

Michele Niles,
Splatsin (Spallumcheen) Band
Group Training, April 2018

Craig Moore and his team from Rider Ventures provided on-site training which was a composite model of field work and in class mentorship. He worked with Splatsin band members to bring them to full completion and graduation, a 100% success rate. The Rider Ventures team was able to create a community awareness of emergency training needs, facilitate community-based learning programs, manage community level meetings for the greater population base, as well as help to educate informed, capable, and trained individuals. Those individuals have since gone on to find employment and they have self-reported both the love of the industry, the incredible program and mentorship, and excitement at availability of work upon training completion. The same community members have expressed excitement at future program and continuation of learning, and the message has reached a wider cohort of interested band members. The Rider Ventures crew brought a unique training program to Splatsin and we developed a hybrid model that was both new, profound and brought confidence and ability to our band membership.

Raphael Derrickson, Student
S100/S185, April 2019

Craig is an awesome teacher and so are his helpers. They made the course easier to understand and made sure we all were on the same level (gotta love that nobody gets left behind mentality). I have renewed my S100/S185 a number of times, but this was the best experience to date.

Become a

Wildland Fire Fighter*

Fire Crew


Physical Fitness Level: Moderate


Experience and Man Hours:

< 5 certifiable days or

60 hours of Fire Fighting





Fire Fighter

Physical Fitness Level: Moderate


Experience and Man Hours:

5 certifiable days or

12 hours per day as a Fire Fighter





Crew Leader

Physical Fitness Level: Moderate


Experience and Man Hours:

Crew Leader on a minimum of 3 fires or 20 days as a Fire Fighter with a minimum of 240 hours 








ICS 100/200

Strike Team Leader

Physical Fitness Level: Moderate


Experience and Man Hours:

Crew Leader position on a minimum of 5 projects











ICS 100/200


Completion or Demonstrated Experience Chainsaw Operations


Enhanced Protection Crew

Power Saw Operator

Pre-qualification: Fire Fighter


Completion or Demonstrated Experience Chainsaw Operations

Danger Tree Assessor

Pre-qualification: Fire Fighter


Certified Danger Tree Assessor - WILDFIRE MODULE

Danger Tree Faller

Pre-qualification: Fire Fighter


WorkSafe BC Certification


Proof of 5 Year Experience


Faller Certification acceptable to 
WorkSafe BC

*Qualifications are based on the minimum requirements of the BC Wildfire Service (as at July 2018) and are subject to change.

© 2015 Rider Ventures Ltd
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